Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We've had a great October! We visited some pumpkin patches... spent time with some great friends... Asher had a spend the night party with MaMaw and PaPaw and even dressed up like a pumpkin and went trick or treating!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

6 Month Check Up... (but I'm really almost 7 months old)

Today we had our 6 month checkup! Asher looks great. He weighs 17 lbs 11 ounces and is 28 inches long. He is in the 90% for his height... yes that's right folks... 90%! Who knew I'd ever have a tall kid. :) And he is in the 60% for his weight. His little body is solid. Not fat, not skinny, but solid. He was a CHAMP at the doctors. He was very quiet while the doc did his little check up and only cried just a little bit when he got his shots. What a good little guy. So our Dr. told us to keep him up later at night to try to get him to sleep longer in the morning.. ugh. He gets so tired around 8 pm and he said to try to keep him up until 9:30 or 10 so he will sleep a little longer in the morning.. 5am is just way to early for me! so I hope this works quickly b/c I started to like my nighttime hours to myself!! Also, at 7 months we have to start feeding him breakfast, lunch, and dinner! We need to introduce some fruits soon b/c something just seems wrong with green beans in the morning???

I've got a TON of new great pics so I'll try to post them soon! The other day we had an impromptu photo session b/c its so beautiful right now in Chattanooga.. Check out these amazing pics that Papaw took!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Trip to Rock City

Since it's so beautiful here in Chattanooga on Sunday we decided to go up to Rock City! Here are some pics from the day...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm 6 Months Old!

Asher is 6 months old! I can't believe it. Soon we are going to be planning his 1st birthday party.. that is crazy to me. Asher is doing great. He is such a happy baby. He is getting the cutest little personality and is very laid back. As long as he isn't hungry or tired we are good to go!

Some of the things he is doing right now are.... He is about to sit up by himselft. He just needs a tad bit of support, but he is going to be sitting up on his own any day now. so far he has eaten peas and carrots and tomorrow we are going to try squash. and oh my.. he LOVES them. He is TRUELY happy when he is eating. He gets so excited and I can't feed him fast enough because he has his mouth open for the next bite! He is rolling over both ways, can hold his body up with his arms (little push ups), he is talking more than ever. He is using the G an D sounds now.. (goo ga, da, etc) Everyday he is changing...

Oh.. and did I mention how much Asher loves food??? He is SO excited when we sit down to eat. Here are some pics of the first time we tried carrots!