Asher had his 1 year checkup. He is doing great. He weighs 22.10 pounds and is 31 inches tall. I have a hard time believing the 31 inches b/c when he stands up to my wall at home he is only 29.. but they measure laying down.... so... who knows... Still pretty tall. :)
He is in the 85% for height and 50% for weight so he looks great! Still eating like a CHAMP. We've switched to whole milk so he needs to drink a little more of that, but i am so blessed that he is a happy, healthy little guy! Couldn't ask for anything better than that!
Here are some of our 1 year pics!!!
Last weekend we went to the Braves Game with family. We had a blast.
We did a little walkin...
We had a great day! Can't wait to do it again soon.