Monday, March 29, 2010

Like Father, Like Son... Or should I say Josh and mini-Josh...

So this picture below is a picture of Josh when he was about a year old...

And here is Asher in the same outfit!!!

Don't they look alike?? Denise and I went to one of those portrait places to try to "recreate" Josh's picture... LOL. Here are some others from the day... my little cutie pie!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

We've kept ourselves very busy lately! Asher is seriously growing into a toddler. He says da-da and ma-ma all the time, but still doesn't know what they mean. And he also says "uh-oh" alot. He will drop something and say "uh-oh". It's so cute. He is blabbing up a STORM, can clap his hands and wave back to you. Also, he walked for the first time!!! He can take like 5 steps now and then falls. Everyday his balance gets better and better. He has the most laid back, precious personality. :)

Check out the good looking Berry Boys!

Asher will be 1 year old in less than 2 weeks!!! Can't believe its been a year! wow!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

11 Months Old!

Can you believe Asher is already 11 months old? I can't!!! That is crazy.

Asher is doing great. He is almost about to walk... he just stood by himself for the first time today for more than a few seconds. He is blabbing up a storm... throwing everything in sight (toys, food, anything), climbing up on everything.. oh and teething.. His top two teeth are coming. I can see them, but they haven't poked through yet. :)

Here are some 11 month pics. It's getting harder and harder to take pictures with him actually sitting still!

This is what he did the WHOLE time.. All he wants to do now is climb, crawl, walk, etc. (and no, he never fell off the chair!!)

One more month and he will be a year old!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The other weekend we went down to Atlanta to see my family. I love going to my sisters house because I don't need to bring anything for Asher... and it's SO great to see them. This trip Dylan and Asher really noticed eachother. They were crawling around together and playing with toys together. It was really cute. It's going to be great having them so close in age.

Asher loves to travel and be around people, especially his age.. he was all ready to go.

Of course we let Dee Dee watch all 3 kids...

Dylan and Brooke were getting a bath so I threw Asher in too! What is one more baby, right?